Sunday, July 4, 2010

Western Figures

Perhaps the best purchase that we made at Origins this year was picking up our friend Jack Shaw's Wild West collection.  Jack is a great painter and he made us a great deal on not only his western figures but the mostly hand made town that he had put together.  The pictures below are of the 70+ minis that we bought from him.  I have no idea who made most of the figures but I intend to add details as I find them.  Comments are very welcome.

Figure 1 - The upstanding ladies of the town
R-L: Old Glory WP-17 Woman from Wagon Train Settlers, Dixon Miniatures WG10 Woman Walking, Dixon Miniatures WG27 Lady Looking Stern, Old Glory WP-17 Woman from Wagon Train Settlers, Old Glory WP-17 Woman from Wagon Train Settlers

Figure 2 - Alternative Armies 7109: Ogre Bounty Hunter

Figure 3 - The Young ladies out for a stroll
from Old Glory WP-17 Wagon Train Settlers

Figure 4 - Granny strolls with a friend
Dixon Miniatures WG10 Woman Walking, Dixon Miniatures WG27 Lady Looking Stern

Figure 5 - Not the ladies of the town
R-L: Dixon Miniatures WG28 Saloon Girl, Jeff Valent Studios GRW1209 Saloon Gal, Dixon Miniatures WG30 Dancing Girl

Figure 6 - True Dog Soldiers
From Alternative Armies 7001 Skirmish in Amerika Frontear Game Pack

Figure 7 - Closeup of Dog Soldier

Figure 8 - Dog soldiers looking for trouble

Figure 9 - These rough looking characters likely do not make it into town very often
Alternative Armies 7104: Frontear Orcs II


  1. Thank you to Jeff Nall (Battle Works Studio) on TMP for help in identifying the Alternative Armies figs.

  2. Thank you to Grelber from TMP for IDing some of the lovely ladies above (Old Glory and Jeff Valent figs).
