Thursday, July 1, 2010

Origins 2010 Recap

Lissa, Jeff and I had a great Origins. We picked up a ton of games and minis and played lots of games. Most of our time we spent playing board and card games and earning our “Knights of Catan” ribbons.

The Mayfair folks had a Microsoft Surface table there running Settlers of Catan. It is a nice port but it is still in beta and there are a few things that need to be worked out before it is ready to go and the $12,000 price of the system means that we will all have to save our pennies for a while. Other Mayfair Games games that we played included “Hey That’s my Fish,” “Station Master,” “Modern Art,” “Settlers of Catan” on a large 3-d board, and some sheep game that had cute pieces and a couple of nice mechanics but the demo was poorly ran. We also demoed a game that we had been meaning to play for a while but had never gotten around to trying – “Fluxx” by Looney Labs. This was a really neat game where each card can change the rules of the game.

Our purchases were a bit more focused this year as we went in with a list ahead of time. We picked up a bunch of board/card games including Carcassonne, Munchkin, Martian Fluxx, Station Master, and a bunch more. Minis-wise we picked up a bunch of figs to flesh out our western and swashbuckling games from Reaper Miniatures and some new packs from Rebel Minis and Splintered Light Miniatures. I also picked up several rulesets from Two Hour Wargames. Jeff is now a dedicated Mayfair Games fanboy and picked up several of their games and an archaeology based game from Queen Games. Finally, I picked up my friend Jack Shaw’s western collection – buildings and figs.

This was a really relaxed con for us and it could not have been better timed. For once we neither pre-registered for a ton of games nor did we spend a huge chunk of time involved in tourneys (however fun they are).

1 comment:

  1. Ah, that explains why I didn't see you guys much. I was mostly in the minis area. Hope to see you at ATC and Charcon!
