Tuesday, July 13, 2010

New Figures from PhilGreg Painters

Pics of Wild West figures from our most recent order of painting by PhilGreg Painters of Sri Lanka.

Figure 1: Artizan Designs AWW200 - Apache Characters I

Figure 2: Artizan Designs AWW200 - Apache Characters I

Figure 3: Artizan Designs AWW200 - Apache Characters I

Figure 4: Artizan Designs AWW202 - Apache's with Rifles

Figure 5: Artizan Designs AWW202 - Apache's with Rifles

Figure 6: Artizan Designs AWW202 - Apache's with Rifles

Figure 7: from Artizan Designs AWW Trail Boss and Cowboys

Figure 8: from Wargames Foundry OW9/1 Shootists

Figure 9: Reaper Miniatures 50003: Ellen Stone, Cowgirl

Figure 10: from Artizan Designs AWW Trail Boss and Cowboys

Figure 11: Wargames Foundry OW9/2 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Reb Jenkins

Figure 12: from Wargames Foundry OW 9/1 Shootists

Figure 13: Wargames Foundry OW9/2 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Injun Joe

Figure 14: from Artizan Designs AWW Trail Boss and Cowboys

Pictures of musketeers, gladiators, and Blood Bowl figures coming soon.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to ElaineP from TMP for her assistance in identifying figures 7, 10, and 14.
